the corruption

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Home of the Free and the Brave??

This has been the declaration of our beautiful country since we established our first colonies. Looking for the freedom to pray the way we wanted to, to break out of the cast system that held people down, to be anybody you wanted to be, the possibility to have anything you wanted to have.The right to say no; you didn't want to do it that way. The freedom to do it your way.
Ask a kid today what freedom means to them and they will tell you that it means not being in prison. To them it means not getting caught when they are committing some crime against society, instead of the freedom to have a dream and pursuing it with many options of achievement; or the freedom to change something with a better plan of success!
Not just spending your life trying not to get in trouble so you don't go to jail. I am guessing that over 65 percent of the people in the United States have either been in jail, just gotten out of jail, or are on their way to jail. And once you are caught up in that runaway judicial merry go round does someone ever again get to enjoy the freedom of pursuing their dreams or expressing ideas or thoughts of how to make things better, for themselves or this country. There is always more than one way to do any one thing. That being part of the freedom part.
What ever happened to being punished for your crime, doing your time, hopefully learning your lesson, figuring out that you were doing it wrong and finding a right way to get on with your life.
In the crooked county of Okmulgee there is seldom the option to figure out a better way to get on with your life. If you get in trouble in this crooked town you barely have the option to breathe the way you want to. You are rarely allowed to reenter society, or given any options of ever becoming more than you were when you got in trouble. Okmulgee has there own cast system. When you get in trouble in Okmulgee you become someones pay check. The judge, the attorney, the cop, the DHS, the DOC, one of them, or some of them, or all of them, will impose impossible demands, impose unjustified situations, and keep you down with intent of never seeing you becoming a better citizen. You are there meal ticket, and they eat alot in this crooked little county. And under the desquise of making you a better person and a productive citizen, they require that you complete some idiodic program, (payments required of course) or attend some kind of county counseling, (also paying as you go.) Leaving you no time to get or keep any kind of job with a decent salary; by the way they don't really care how you pay your fines or court costs, just as long as you do, and in this crooked little county paying them once is not enough; and if you live in this town and get in trouble in this town, you will pay not once for your crime but pay for your crime for the rest of your life.
I personally know a very young, beautiful, loving, mixed up young woman that got in trouble in this town. She got mixed up with the wrong people, not really knowing any better at her young age. She did some bad things, wrote some hot checks, forged some perscriptions, mayber some petty larceny. Im not saying any of these things are ok and should not be punished for. BUT WHAT THE F___K! One of our illustrius and probably barely literate judges got a hard on for this poor stupid girl and sentenced her to 40 straight years in prison for these non violent crimes. This young girl who has now turned into a woman at the EDDIE WARRIOR PRISON in Oklahoma had just turned 21 years old when this overstuffed, overpaid, undereducated, jackoff of a judge sentenced her to 40 years in prison without parole. This crooked county judge has obviously forgotten or never knew what being a judge was about. Me thinks he has become way to big for his britches, which is very obvious to the eye also; whatever happened to lit the time fit the crime, about learning your lesson and paying your dues. She will never get to pay for her crime and learn her lesson. She isn't getting the option grow up and become someone,( maybe someone that would have a better idea on how to deal with situations like hers). What if she would have become someone that did something so siqnificant that it changed everything that we know. But now because of some conceited, simple minded, and hate filled little egomaniac man we will never know. This is just one, of the very many, people that this soon to be insignificant has been allowed to do this to. This man has used his power to take away Americas freedom a little at a time. Who is He, What gives him the right. Where is his justification? This will probably be a man that lives a long time, simply because he will be afraid of what is coming to him when he dies, as he should be. And all of his overly out loud justifications for the sorriness of his life won't make a bit of difference in the silence of the Lord. This crooked little county just keeps on sitten an spinned. Lord help us all/. Amen